Gym Activity Waiver 2024

Personal Information

Gym Rules

Play At Your Own Risk:

  • All participants must have a signed waiver on file.

  • All children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

  • Please report any injuries to the gym supervisor – Immediately!

  • NRCOC is not responsible for lost, stolen or broken personal property. 


  • Only athletic sneakers allowed. 

  • No hard or black soled shoes on hardwood floors. 

  • Shirts and shorts/sweats must be worn at all times. 

  • No hanging on or hitting gym curtain divider.

  • Only authorized gym staff allowed in equipment room.

  • No food, gum or glassware allowed in the gym.


  • No hanging on rims.

  • No spitting or profanity. 

  • All gym equipment stays in the gym.

  • If you are found vandalizing the property, bullying others, fighting, or carrying weapons, alcohol or drugs, then you will be asked to leave the premises immediately.


In consideration for being allowed to participate in the Activity, I, as the Participant OR as the parent or guardian of Participant agree to the following with respect to the Activity:

  • I understand and agree that there will be risks and hazards in associating with others including, but not limited to, those caused by Exposure to COVID-19, Flu and other diseases
  • I understand and agree that there will be risks and hazards in playing sports including, but not limited to, those caused by court conditions, playing conditions, equipment and other participants, in addition to the acts of dribbling, passing, shooting, spiking and dunking a ball, running, jumping, stretching, sliding, diving, throwing, kicking and collisions with other players, spectators, or stationary objects, any of which may cause death or serious injury to the player. 
  • I attest and verify that to the best of my knowledge Participant is free from all illnesses, injuries, medical conditions and defects that could interfere with Participant's safe participation in the Activity.  
  • I hereby irrevocably and absolutely grant permission to the North River Church of Christ, Inc. (“NRCC”) to film, videotape and record at no cost the performance of the Participant in the Activity and subsequently to telecast, sell, distribute and otherwise utilize the same in whatever manner NRCC shall deem appropriate.
  • Participation in the Activity is entirely voluntary.
  • Waiver of Liability: I will not hold NRCC or its officers, directors, employees, leaders, members, volunteers, associates or other agents (collectively, “Agents”) liable for any injury, illness, exposure to COVID-19, Flu and other diseases, loss, damage, death or accident that Participant might encounter while participating in the Activity that NRCC is helping to facilitate;


  • Assumption of Risk: I voluntarily and knowingly agree to assume any and all risks that might result from Participant’s participation in the Activity that NRCC is helping to facilitate.  In doing so:
    • I realize that the Activity involves inherent risks, hazards and dangers that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid them; and
    • I realize that some of these risks include, but are not limited to, the following:
      • Accidents, Concussions, Illness, Exposure to COVID-19, Flu and other diseases from symptomatic or asymptomatic people, the contagious nature of COVID-19, Flu and other diseases, my own negligence or the negligence of others who have been exposed, Injury, Theft, Crime, Property Damage, Disability, Death, and Acts of God; and
    • I realize that NRCC does not assess or guarantee Participant’s competency, mental or physical fitness, or ability to participate in any project or activity;


  • Waiver of Claims: I agree not to sue and to waive and release all claims, to the extent permitted by law, against NRCC or its Agents who lead or direct this activity (including claims related to accident, illness, exposure to COVID-19, Flu, injury, theft, crime, loss, damage, disability or death, and claims based on the actions, omissions or negligence of NRCC and its Agents—even if a COVID-19 or other infection occurs before, during or after participation in Activity);


  • Indemnification / Hold Harmless: I agree to fully defend, indemnify and hold NRCC and its Agents harmless from any and all claims (including claims related to injury, illness, exposure to COVID-19, Flu or other disease, loss, damage, death or accident), lawsuits, demands, causes of action, liability, loss, damages, costs, and expenses of any kind whatsoever whether alleged, brought by an individual or other entity, or imposed by a court of law or by administrative action of any governmental body or agency, arising out of, in any way whatsoever, any acts, omissions, negligence, wrongdoing, reckless or willful misconduct on my part or on the part of Participant while participating in the Activity or while on NRCC's premises.  


Severability: I also agree that this Waiver Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of my state of residence, Participant’s state of residence, the State of Georgia, and US federal law and that if any portion of this Waiver Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, that such provision will be deemed deleted from this Waiver Agreement without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Waiver Agreement or affecting the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions.

Medical Permission: In the event that Participant should need emergency medical or dental treatment and I as the Participant or as the parent or guardian of Participant am unable to provide my permission for such treatment, I hereby:

  • give my permission to the person(s) leading or directing the Activity to use their best judgment in obtaining medical attention/treatment for Participant, including taking Participant to a local medical facility;
  • give my permission to the physician/medical professional that is selected by the person(s) leading or directing the Activity to render medical attention or administer medical treatment as that physician/medical professional deems appropriate and necessary;
  • give my permission to the person(s) leading or directing the Activity to use their best judgment to otherwise render any assistance (ie., first aid, C.P.R., etc.) in the event of Participant’s injury or illness.


Medical Costs are my Responsibility: I understand that the NRCC has NOT obtained insurance coverage for medical or hospital costs for Participant and that any costs incurred for injury or illness occurring in the course of the Activity shall be my sole responsibility and NOT NRCC’s responsibility.

I, the Participant OR the Parent or Guardian of Participant, certify and declare under penalty of perjury the following:

  • I have received a copy of this document (if desired);
  • I am at least 18 years of age;
  • I am suffering under no legal disabilities;
  • I agree that this Waiver Agreement is binding on Participant as well as on Participant’s parents, guardians, heirs, assigns and executors or personal representatives; and


I am the Participant or am authorized to sign on behalf of the Participant and I am signing this Waiver Agreement as the Participant or on behalf of and in the place of the Participant. I agree to all the conditions of and permissions conferred by this Waiver Agreement (including the certifications and declarations in this Signature section). If I am a parent or guardian, I am also giving my permission for the Participant to attend and participate in the Activity.

Tip: Please type your full legal name as your electronic signature. (If participant is under 18, a parent or legal guardian will need to provide their electronic signature).